Throw unplanned parties, have worry-free birthday parties,
and just trust others to cook if you don’t have the time or the mood for it.

A big plus is the variety of ingredients in this popular dish. Lovers of ham, chicken meat, smoked meats, vegetables, bacon and many other products can easily find the perfect filling taste.
Al Capone's Pizza.....................................................440g. Panini with ham and bacon.............................................350g. Pizza with ham and mushrooms..........................................400g. Panini with vegetables and cheese.....................................330g. Barbecue Pizza........................................................500g. Creamy pizza with seafood.............................................490g. Cheese pizza..........................................................460g. Pizza Margarita.......................................................450g. Pizza 4 seasons.......................................................460g. Hunting Pizza.........................................................460g.
When ordering, you can add ingredients to the selected dish, specify the number of cutlery, and leave a comment with your wishes.